
— Environment, Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation

To promote climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for sustainable development in northern Uganda.

The key intermediate results to be achieved under this strategic objective are:

  • Increased adoption of climate resilient agricultural practices.
  • Reduced vulnerabilities to climate change effects.
  • Restored natural ecosystems.
  • Improved forest services.

To achieve the above outcomes, TVRA will support the following climate change mitigation strategies:

  • Promotion of tree growing.
  • Promotion of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs).
  • Promotion of increasing use of renewable energy like solar.
  • Promotion of efficient means of transport implementation like electric public transport, bicycle, shared cars, et cetera.
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The following climate change adaptation measures will be supported by TVRA to supplement climate change mitigation strategies described above:

  • Switching to drought resistant crops and promotion of other climate-smart agriculture solutions.
  • Developing an effective early warning system.
  • Building flood barriers.
  • Afforestation and reforestation.
  • Using nature to build resilience to Conservation of natural ecosystem (biodiversity and water).
  • Preventive and precautionary measures (evacuation plans, health issues, etc.).

Other sustainable environment management strategies to be pursued are:

  • Waste management
  • Promotion of ecotourism

— Livelihood and Sustainable Agriculture

To improve livelihoods of refugees and vulnerable persons in northern Uganda through promotion of sustainable agriculture and other income generation activities.

The key intermediate results to be achieved under this strategic objective are:

  • Increased agricultural productivity
  • Reduced in hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition
  • Reduced poverty and income insecurity
  • Increased resilience to livelihoods threats and crises
  • Improved quality of lives

To realize the above outcomes, TVRA will execute the following activities:

  • Promoting adoption of sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs)
  • Promotion of climate-smart agricultural solutions.
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  • Promoting agribusiness and farming as a business[1]
  • Promotion of apiculture.
  • Promotion of aquaculture.
  • Promotion of group marketing
  • Income generation for women and youth groups
  • Promoting village savings and loan associations
  • Entrepreneurial, business and vocational training including establishment of training hub.[2]
  • Provision of startup capital and kits
  • Promoting trade in ESTs.
  • Promotion of research.

— Governance, Accountability and Rule of Law

To promote good governance, accountability and rule of law for sustainable development in northern Uganda.

The key intermediate results to be achieved under this strategic objective are:

  • Authentic citizens’ participation in decision making
  • Authentic citizens’ participation in development
  • Accountable governments
  • Increase citizens’ trust in government
  • Better services delivery.

To realize the above outcomes, TVRA will pursue the following activities:

  • Strengthening different arms of government to improve efficacy of checks and balances.
  • Encouraging citizens’ participation in government.
  • Supporting public expenditure tracking trainings and surveys (PETS).
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  • Strengthening of user committee structures in health, water, environment and education sectors.
  • Promoting citizens empowerment in service delivery.[2]
  • Promoting human rights education.
  • Promoting protection and defence of human rights.
  • Promoting civic education.
  • Promotion of integrity forums, barazas, and community levels.
  • Tracking manifesto implementation by elected public officers.

To promotion of access to justice for victims, TVRA will implement following activities:

  • Provision of legal aid services to victims.
  • Awareness creation on human rights and linkages to support institution for legal redress.
  • Rehabilitation and settlement of victims.
  • Undertaking research and advocacy to lobby for pro poor policy process.

The above activities under this programme area seek to achieve five broad goals:

  • Promoting legal and governance reforms that increase democratic space and enhance constitutionalism and the rule of law.
  • Increasing citizen participation and influence over key governance processes, including elections, the planning and budgeting process, and institutional and political reforms.
  • Improved accountability in service delivery to people in the areas where TVRA works.
  • Supporting collective action by civil society organizations, citizens and citizen’s groups in championing the cause for greater transparency and accountability in the use of public funds.
  • Building a youth leadership that respects, upholds and promotes the ethos of democracy in all spheres of engagement and influence.

— Promotion of Primary Health

To promote provision of quality primary health care services to improve the quality of life and productivity of refugees and other vulnerable persons in northern Uganda.

When this objective comes to fruition, the following outcomes will be reaped:

  • Improved health seeking behaviour of the people
  • Improved quality of health services delivery
  • Improved quality of life of the people
  • Strengthened health unit management committees
  • Improved image of health services providers

TVRA will pursue the following activities to realize the objectives and outcomes highlighted above:

  • Health promotion
  • Advocacy for health
  • Promoting health literacy
  • Strengthening health unit management committees.
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    • Training and strengthening water user management committees.
    • Advocacy for health
    • Promotion of Water and sanitation.
    • Construction of boreholes for the marginalized groups.
    • Promotion of nutrition and childcare.
    • Promotion of medical ambulance during emergency.
    • Undertaking adolescent sexual reproductive health services using the approach of media and face to face.

— Conflict, Peace Building and Alternative Dispute Resolution

To promote peace building and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that can bring about sustainable peace and security in northern Uganda.

Successful pursuit of the above strategic objective will yield the following results:  

  • Peaceful coexistence of different peoples
  • Increased socioeconomic developments
  • Increased trust in government
  • Increased observance of human rights

The following interventions will be pursued by TVRA:

  • Provision of wide range of legal aid support services.
  • Counselling and rehabilitation services.
  • Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to settle conflicts and build peace among people and communities to avoid further conflicts from rising beyond manageable levels.
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  • Sensitizing refugees on the available policies, guidelines and laws, including undertaking legal clinics to attend to all emerging human rights-based issues in the settlements for immediate response.
  • Promoting protection of human rights of victims through undertaking child protection activities, mobile legal clinics to facilitate individual and group counselling on local laws and general human rights issues.
  • Undertaking capacity-building programs for community stakeholders in peace and conflict resolution.
  • Facilitating access to justice and legal representation; promoting healthy and traditional approach to peace & conflict resolution to achieve peaceful societies.
  • Strengthening capacity of local courts officials and area land committees in adjudication of conflict in the communities.
  • Creation of awareness through radio talk shows and spot messages to promote peace.
  • Provision of psychosocial support services through counselling and other forms of stress, trauma and depression management.
  • Promotion of awareness raising on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) including carrying out of referral services for severe cases to stakeholders such as.

— Education

To support the provision of quality education and training services to refugees and other vulnerable persons in northern Uganda, in order for them to acquire knowledge and skills to achieve their full potential in all spheres of their lives.

  • Improved learning environment
  • Increased access to quality education services
  • Improved learning outcomes
  • Higher completion rates
  • Improved parental involvement and support in education

With all the above background, TVRA intends to do the following to support Education:

  • Promotion of school feeding program in primary schools to promote retention, school completion rate and nutrition among school children.
  • Supporting of school infrastructure programs to increase learning space in schools with higher numbers of children.
  • Establishment of ECD Centers, orphanages to promote early childhood education and offer direct support to vulnerable orphans to achieve education.
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    • Undertake provision of comprehensive education scholarship services for the most at risk children from pre-primary to tertiary institutions.
    • Provision assistance to support establishment of school library, ICT and science laboratory facilities.
    • Provision of solar lighting systems in schools to facilitate effective studies for children.
    • Monitoring of teaching and learning outcomes in partner schools to ensure learners are actually retaining knowledge and skills learnt in the classroom.
    • Strengthening of school management structures to increase supervision, accountability and commitment by the stakeholders.
    • Promoting skilling of school leavers for job creation through offering tailored trainings for marketable skills required in the current labour market.
    • Undertaking Guidance and Counselling services for school children to make better choices.
    • Establishment of school investment clubs and Young Farmer Clubs to learn and develop business and entrepreneurial skills mindset at an early stage.
    • Promotion of sporting activities in schools and communities.
    • Undertaking tool collection and granting to rehabilitate youth groups and individuals as start-up kits to establish or support their enterprises.

— Institutional strengthening

To build a strong institutional capacity of TVRA to enable it to deliver its mandate.

Successful achievement of the above strategic objective will produce the following results:

  • Increased resources and assets base
  • Increased visibility, both locally and internationally
  • Increased number of beneficiaries served
  • Increased client satisfaction rates
  • Increased donor and partner retention
  • Increased staff retention rates
  • Increased staff satisfaction rates
  • Reduced absenteeism rates

To achieve the strategic objective and reap these results, TVRA will implement the following activities:

  • BOD development.
  • Staff training and management development.
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  • Strategic partnership management.
  • Strategic human resource management.
  • Strengthening of the TVRA social enterprise/business wing for institutional sustainability.
  • Policy development, advocacy and lobbying.
  • Local and international resource mobilization.
  • Development and implementation of organizational policies, including gender policy.
  • Publicity, documentation, and visibility.
  • Strengthening of member/partnership organization’s capacity.
  • Collaboration and networking.
  • Mainstreaming cross cutting issues and orientation of BOD and staff on such issues.

— Research, Publication & Training

To build vibrant research, publication and training capacity of TVRA to inform policies, new approaches and set the pace for development in northern Uganda.

The achievement of the above strategic objective will produce the following results:

  • Increased volumes of evidence for decision making
  • Increased number of publications
  • Improved staff performance
  • Increased presence and visibility of TVRA
  • Increased stock of intellectual property rights

The following form part of our core research, publication and training activities:

  • Development of fundable research proposal done individually or in partnership other institutions that share the same objectives like TVRA.
  • Carrying out studies on topical community issues that require our investment and support.
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    • Research dissemination and publication of findings.
    • Policy formulation and advocacy.
    • Establishment of a training facility that will self-sustain through offering specialized services to partners and beneficiaries.

Some achievements!

Over the last 12 years, TVRA made a number of achievements through the first strategic development plan. These include the following among others:


Under strengthening youth councils and youth entrepreneur’s skills, TVRA trained 300 youth council executives on leadership skills and group dynamics in six (6) sub counties of Terego district; TVRA successfully trained 300 young entrepreneurs on business skills and management drown from the six (6) sub counties of Terego District; and TVRA conducted career guidance in 3 technical schools and 21 secondary schools in Arua District.


Under promotion of clean energy solutions. TVRA distributed 3000 cook stoves, 1000 solar lanterns, 200 water purifiers, and 5 tons of briquettes to refugees and host communities households. TVRA also promoted and sold 200 solar home systems in the greater Arua District.


Under Capacity Strengthening for improved services with support from ZOA. Under this intervention, TVRA successfully trained the following categories:

  • 120 water user committees on leadership, hygiene and sanitation in Omugo I and II in Rhino camp refugee camp; and
  • 200 paralegals and community structures in Rhino camp refugee settlement.
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TVRA also trained local council 1 officials, refugee welfare councils I and III, parish chiefs and parish councilors on the application local court act 2006 at Ariwa, Ongurua and Omugo I and II refugee camps. Other stakeholders like youth, women, local council one chairpersons, and refugee welfare councils I-III were trained on land use rights in Yelulu and Katiku I-IIIs under Rhino camp refugee settlement. Sub county leaders in Omugo were also trained on land use Rights.  Similarly, religious leaders of both the host and refugee communities of Omugo I and 2 were successfully trained on peace building and conflict resolution.